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Energy Committee Minutes 04-06-11
Energy Committee meeting minutes 4/6/11        

Attendees: Martha Broad
Margaret Campbell
Stu Malmberg
Ted Kirchner
Paul Vasington
Burt Shnitzler

Non-voting: Ryan Prucnal

Convened at 7 pm, Town Hall

  • Edited letter for energy committee. Agreed to send to Linda for distribution.
  • Discussed advisory recommendation.  Will try to get on the 4/26 meeting.
  • Discussed presentation at town meeting.
  • Should try to have grant application together by town meeting
  • Slide examples
  • cost (Doug Storey info)?
  • 1 concrete example – boilers? Houghton bldg?
  • grants available from other towns?
  • Rebut building adds revenue?
  • Historic home waiver?
  • Paul will do first set of slides to send around
  • Run through in two weeks (4/20)
  • Letter to the editor - Margaret will draft letter to Bolton Common
  • Margaret is arranging for Mass Electric to perform audit on town buildings.  Discussion ensued as to what that will / should entail.
  • Continuing conversations with Constellation Energy about solar array at the Transfer station.

Adjourned at 8:35 pm.